Ezi-Afa Festival

Ezi-Afa Festival

Igbo Cultural Renaissance: Umunna Community Cultural Empowerment Initiative (UCCEI): tagged Ezi-Afa Festival

“Imagine a community where cultural heritage drives economic growth and fosters social harmony. The Umunna Community Cultural Empowerment Initiative (UCCEI) leverages our rich cultural traditions to create sustainable economic opportunities, social cohesion and reduce insecurity. Through entrepreneurship workshops, cultural tourism, vibrant festivals, Culture Reality Show and youth exchange programs; we empower community members to transform their cultural assets into thriving businesses. Our initiative also promotes peace and cohesion by facilitating cultural dialogue and building essential cultural infrastructure/culture institute. Join us in making our communities more prosperous, harmonious, and resilient by harnessing the power of culture.”


The Umunna Community Cultural Empowerment Initiative (UCCEI) recognizes the important role that culture plays in mobilizing and unifying people around common ideals. It is also geared towards promoting Igbo culture to build the ideals of Umunna. This initiative aims to leverage cultural activities to promote economic development and perhaps reduce insecurity within local communities. In summary, by harnessing the rich cultural heritage of the region, creativity, the Arts as Pedals for Building the Society We Want, UCCEI seeks to promote Igbo cultural values, cultural heritage, tourism sites, empower community members, stimulate economic growth, and foster social cohesion and stability.



Our target is to raise at least 2000 young entrepreneurs in Igbo land annually by exploring the full potentials of our socio-cultural and economic endowments as obtainable in other developed countries of the world. Most importantly, out of this number of young people to benefit from this project, the host state is to earn the highest percentage annually.


  • Cultural Festivals: – Annual cultural festivals showcasing the diverse traditions, music, dance, and cuisine of the people. – Providing opportunities for local artisans and performers to exhibit and sell their products, generating income and exposure for their craft.
  • Cultural Entrepreneurship Workshops: – Conducting workshops to train community members in cultural entrepreneurship, including traditional crafts, culinary arts, music, and dance. – Providing business development training, marketing strategies, and financial management skills to help participants start and sustain cultural enterprises.
  • Public Awareness Campaign:



  • Cultural Tourism Promotion: Develop cultural tourism packages highlighting local heritage sites, traditional ceremonies, and cultural experiences. Youth Cultural Exchange Programs.
  • Igbo Culture Reality Shows.
  • Exhibitions (Art works, Fa shion, Creativity, Traditional Cuisine, etc).
  • Conflict Resolution through Cultural Dialogue/Training.
  • Cultural Infrastructure Development (community cultural centers, museums, and performance venues)/Culture Institute (Online/Offline Culture/Language School, Culture Research and Development).
  • Culture TV/Radio Online/Offline Stations.
  • S t o r y t e l l i n g , S c r i p t w r i t i n g , Poetry/Spoken words, Drama, Movie Acting/Directing, Cinematography, Drawing/ Painting, Sculpturing, etc.
  • Cu lt u r a l He rit ag e Do c ume n t a r y (Educational and Research purposes).
  • Aw a r d / D e c o r a t i o n o f C u l t u r e Ambassadors.
  • Culture Ambassador Magazine. Etc.




  • Economic Development: Increased income opportunities for community members through cultural enterprises and tourism.
  • Social Cohesion: Strengthened social bonds and reduced conflicts through cultural dialogue and community engagement.
  • Cultural Preservation: Enhanced preservation and appreciation of local cultural heritage.
  • Cultural Tourism site promotion.
  • Youth Empowerment: Increased youth participation in cultural activities, fostering a sense of pride and identity.



  • Tourism Volunteers Network (TVN),
  • Nigeria Diaspora Forum (NDF).
  • ·Government.
  • Private Organizations.




By implementing the Umunna Community Cultural Empowerment Initiative (UCCEI), communities can harness the transformative power of culture to promote economic prosperity, social cohesion, and peace. This initiative not only preserves cultural heritage but also provides practical benefits in terms of economic development and security enhancement.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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