Our Approach

Our Approach

The Eminent Youth Empowerment Foundation (EYE-Foundation) is a dynamic organization dedicated to transforming the lives of African youth. We strive to foster a generation of responsible, entrepreneurial, and visionary leaders who will drive progress across the continent. Through a variety of programs and initiatives, we aim to empower young people to realize their full potential and contribute meaningfully to their communities and society at large.

Our approach to our Objectives:

  1. Engage Young People in Productive Ventures:

   Activity 1: Youth Entrepreneurship Program.

   – Workshops and Seminars: Host events focusing on skills development and career planning. Provide training and mentorship on starting and managing businesses.

   – Organize business plan competitions with seed funding for winners.

   – Initiate Projects: Start projects that promote entrepreneurship and vocational training.

   – Partnerships: Collaborate with businesses and organizations to provide internships and job placements.

Activity 2: Civic Engagement Initiatives.

   – Collaborate with government bodies to involve youth in policy-making processes.

   – Encourage participation in community service and local governance activities.

  1. Participate in Civic Programs:

   – Government Collaboration: Partner with government agencies to involve youth in civic activities.

   – Advocacy Campaigns: Promote awareness about the importance of civic duties and responsibilities.

  1. Youth Development Activities:

  Activity 1: Skills Acquisition Programs.

   – Vocational Training: Provide training in various trades and professions.

   – Certification Courses: Facilitate access to certified courses to enhance employability.   

– Offer workshops in areas like IT, craftsmanship, digital marketing, AI, 21st Century skills, and more.

  – Partner with industry experts to provide hands-on training.

Activity 2: Community Development Projects.

  – Implement community service projects that encourage youth participation. Initiate and support projects such as clean-up drives, infrastructure improvement, and social services.

  – Leadership Training: Offer programs to develop leadership skills among young people.

  1. Support Driven Youth and Inspire the Non-Driven:

Activity 1: Mentorship Programs.

 – Mentorship Programs: Pair motivated youths with successful professionals for guidance and support.

 – Motivational Events: Organize motivational seminars featuring accomplished individuals as role models to inspire others.

Activity 2: Personal Development Courses.

– Provide courses on self-esteem, leadership, and goal-setting.

– Conduct regular follow-up sessions to track progress and provide additional support.

  1. Ignite Self-Value and Nationalism:

Activity 1: National Pride Campaigns.

– Patriotism Campaigns: Run campaigns that highlight the importance of national pride and civic responsibility.

 – Promote activities that celebrate national heritage and achievements.

 – Organize events like Independence Day celebrations, cultural festivals, and historical education tours.

Activity 2: Self-Value Workshops.

– Facilitate sessions on personal value recognition and self-improvement.

– Encourage peer-to-peer support groups.

 – Self-Discovery Workshops: Conduct workshops aimed at helping youth understand their potential and self-worth.

  1. Foster Independence and Productivity:

Activity 1: Financial Literacy Programs.

– Educate youths on budgeting, saving, book keeping, stock/inventory taking and investing.

– Partner with financial institutions to provide practical financial management tools.

Activity 2: Innovation and Creativity Labs.

 – Set up labs equipped with resources for young innovators to develop their ideas.

 – Offer grants and scholarships for outstanding projects.

 – Entrepreneurial Initiatives: Encourage and support entrepreneurial ventures.

 – Resource Centers: Set up centers that provide resources and support for independent projects.


  1. Create Awareness for Opportunities:

Activity 1: Education Outreach.

 – Education: Promote scholarships, grants, and other educational opportunities like vocational training programs, etc.

 – Collaborate with educational institutions to provide resources and guidance.

Activity 2: Sector-Specific Awareness Campaigns.

 – Highlight opportunities in agriculture, health, sports, culture, tourism, and entertainment.

 – Organize career fairs and industry expos to connect youths with potential employers and mentors.

– Agriculture: Highlight programs and initiatives in agriculture that youth can participate in.

  – Health: Advocate for health programs that target youth well-being.

  – Sports, Culture, and Tourism: Organize events and programs that expose youth to opportunities in these areas.

   – Entertainment: Encourage youth participation in the entertainment industry through workshops and talent showcases.

Step-by-Step Activities:

  1. Needs Assessment:

   – Conduct surveys and focus groups to identify the needs and interests of youth in different regions.

  1. Program Development:

   – Design programs that align with the identified needs, incorporating input from stakeholders and experts.

  1. Resource Mobilization:

   – Secure funding and resources through grants, donations, and partnerships with corporations and NGOs.

  1. Implementation:

   – Roll out programs in phases, starting with pilot projects and gradually expanding based on feedback and results.

  1. Monitoring and Evaluation:

   – Establish metrics for success and regularly monitor progress. Adjust programs as necessary to ensure effectiveness.

  1. Scaling and Expansion:

   – Use successful pilot projects as models for wider implementation across other regions and countries.

  1. Community Engagement:

   – Involve local communities in the planning and execution of projects to ensure relevance and sustainability.

  1. Public Relations and Advocacy:

   – Promote the foundation’s work through media campaigns, social media, and public speaking engagements to raise awareness and support.

  1. Continuous Improvement:

   – Regularly review and update programs based on new research, feedback, and changing needs of the youth population.


By following these steps, the Eminent Youth Empowerment Foundation aims to create a lasting impact on the lives of millions of young people across Africa, fostering a generation of responsible, visionary leaders equipped to contribute positively to society.

The Eminent Youth Empowerment Foundation is committed to unlocking the potential of African youths by providing the tools, resources, and support necessary for them to thrive. Our comprehensive approach addresses various facets of youth development, ensuring that we cultivate well-rounded individuals who are ready to lead and innovate. Through our dedication and the active participation of the community, we aim to make a lasting positive impact on the continent’s future.

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