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Vision Statement

To impact positively at least 500 million youths in Africa..

Mission Statement

To induce in youths responsibility mentality via dream motivated entrepreneurship for visionary leadership.


Engaging Young People in Productive Ventures.
About us

Eminent Youth Empowerment Foundation

Eminent Youth Empowerment Foundation (EYE-Foundation), a pioneering youth organization that has been making a significant impact in Africa. Conceived in the University of Nigeria Nsukka in 2003 and operational since 2011 in Abuja, our foundation is dedicated to transforming the lives of young people through skill development programs, mentorship, leadership and entrepreneurship training.



We Provide the following services.

Skill Development Programs

Comprehensive training in areas such as entrepreneurship, leadership, digital literacy, and vocational skills.

Mentorship and Coaching

Connecting youth with experienced mentors who can guide them through their personal and professional development journeys.

Entrepreneurship Training

Equipping young people with the tools and knowledge to start and grow their own businesses, fostering economic independence and innovation

Skill Development Programs

Comprehensive training
Comprehensive training in areas such as entrepreneurship, leadership, digital literacy, and vocational skills.

Mentorship and Coaching

Connecting youth
Connecting youth with experienced mentors who can guide them through their personal and professional development journeys.

Entrepreneurship Training

Equipping young
Equipping young people with the tools and knowledge to start and grow their own businesses, fostering economic independence and innovation

Programs / Events

Identity First

Our Team Members

Behold our team excellent of professionals who manage the affairs of our organisation.


Your Support Makes An Impact

Your generous contribution will directly support essential initiatives

Contact info

Call Us:

+234 8085723202, +234 8098414900

Mail to us

Kano House, Central Business District,

Abuja, Nigeria.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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